They can't hear you.

...but you may be too busy to notice.

Your Business is Currently Experiencing "Technical Difficulties"

It's sort of like the high-pitched screech that happens when a speaker gets feedback in the monitors. When things aren't in the correct place, it's best to

STOP and slowly STEP AWAY from the mic

because when you aren't delivering consistent visuals with solid branding

You're sending the WRONG message.

On top of that... you're posting and emailing without a plan – and getting no response whatsoever
(except possibly from your mom... or from trolls in the Cheap Seats)

[ Yup, That's Me. HELP! >> ]

Look, I know... You Are BUSY.

But throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks without a clear plan or strategy?

Wearing ALL the hats and doing ALL the things...




Tired of wasting time on busy street?

You're Answer is on Bloomfield Avenue.

Simplify Your Message | Engage with Your Audience | Showcase Your Business...

Together, we set the stage so that


[ Work With Kim on Bloomfield Avenue >> ]

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spaces are limited.

the magic of design, messaging and methodology.

Graphic Design, Digital and Physical Promotional Products

From concept to completion, we've got you covered. Branding your business with consistent visuals has never been easier.

Design Specialties:

  • Brand Development

  • Social Media Kits

  • Digital Product Creation

  • Campaign Creation

  • Complex Print + Product Packaging Pieces

  • Data-Driven Layout

  • Direct Mail Pieces

  • Custom Lapel Pins + T-Shirts

For information on custom Enamel Pins to promote your business, request a wholesale pricing guide.

Community-Building Email and Social Media Marketing Management

It's not you... it's them. Your community, that is.

They're distracted.

Cut through the noise by creating a consistent delivery schedule with valuable content.

We'll create a methodical approach to nurture your current relationships and connect you with people who want what you're offering – with a system that works FOR you instead of against you.

Prefer to manage your own accounts? We'll be here every step of the way for encouragement and support – even filling the gaps when you're away.

Operations, Project Management, Automation and System Efficiency

Wouldn't you like to have more time to focus on the things you love about your business?

With our automation, delegation and elimination techniques, you'll be able to implement a streamlined routine that will simplify your strategy.

SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), automation and efficiency systems create a hands-off approach that makes managing your message easier than ever before – giving you time to focus on what really matters to you.

Get Started on Bloomfield Avenue


Bloomfield Avenue, LLC specializes in online business management, consultation, tech and design.

You've heard it all before. Clarifying your WHY and WHAT will help you define your needs and take action. But making a decision to take the first step – the HOW – leaves so many spinning their wheels for days, weeks, months, even years. That's all about to change.

Bloomfield Avenue specializes in the business of problem-solving to help you choose the perfect HOW. From streamlining processes, developing concepts and designing content to advising you toward the right technology and social platforms – your overwhelm is about to be silenced.

And when that happens, your message can be heard LOUD and CLEAR.

I’m Kim, Online Business Strategist and owner of Bloomfield Avenue. Soul-searching, grit and determination have led me on a path of entrepreneurship with a mission to help other business owners from one location, under one roof... on Bloomfield Avenue.

But HOW?

Schedule your free consult.

You don’t have anything to lose except that pesky tech overwhelm that’s keeping you at a standstill.


For more information about our story, visit our About Page

Tired of wasting time on busy street?

You're Answer is on Bloomfield Avenue.

Book a Session with Kim