Meet Kim

Have you ever felt like you were stuck doing the same task over and over again, for what seems like an eternity? "There has to be a better way to do this..." We've all said it and heard it many times.

My name is Kim. I'm a graphic designer and problem-solver who is dedicated to finding ways to improve efficiency. Through managing multiple projects – either by working on them or adding them to an ever-growing bucket list – I've developed a passion for discovering a better way by building systems and simplifying processes.

My husband, my son and I live in southern Missouri. From our home, I'm learning to spread my wings and take blind leaps of faith in hopes of being able to fly.

Looking for a work/life balance, I began working from home as a freelance consultant, designer and jack-of-many-trades in December of 2017. With a passion for helping others, I enjoy consulting entrepreneurs, designers and business owners to maximize time and increase efficiency. Automation and digital marketing present new ways to save time and help spread a relevant message. I love to create new things, develop ideas and watch them come to life, both on screen and off. Podcasts, webinars, articles and research provide continuous learning of new skills that help me expand and implement new technology.

Bloomfield Avenue serves multiple clients in various industries – some of which require full-time attention – but I still make time to pursue my passions and prioritize my family.

One of the most recent projects has been creating and managing my son's YouTube channel, He can be found on YouTube here - make sure to Subscribe :) I'm not a videographer and knew nothing about editing when we started. It's a work in progress.

Duncan is a quirky little dude with more energy than humanly possible. Like all kids, it takes lots of effort to help him succeed. YouTube allows us to "channel" his imagination and creativity into something positive and it helps him with social interactions. We'd like to share more details about our journey sometime. For now, you'll just have to keep watching as his story comes to life.

The underlying tone of my design career has been a strong focus on production efficiency. This led me to a respectful and rewarding position as Production Director of a mid-sized advertising agency. While there, I spent many years focusing on design automation and data-driven layouts. I chose to leave this position to spend more time with Duncan, but the experience had allowed me to discover better ways to tackle challenging tasks and resulted in a deep appreciation for all things automated, including design, marketing and workflow automation.

No matter what one's dreams are, everyone can use spare time to pursue them. Don't waste yours knowing there's probably a better way. I'm not an IT specialist or a computer wizard – just a mom who happens to value her time and made the decision to get back some of the hours she'd lost doing trivial, meaningless tasks. I am excited to share my experiences and knowledge through teaching and simplifying the process of automation. They say that the bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly... let's soar.

Catch up with me on Facebook or shoot me an email! I'd love to hear from you.

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