
Please Note: Some of the links that I will share with you are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Please know that we have personal experience with each of these products. I am recommending them to you because they have truly made a difference in our lives, not for the sake of making the commission. I simply want to share these life-enhancing products with anyone who might find them helpful.

If you're looking for an easy (and free) way to sell your digital products, I've got an answer for you. Yes, there are a LOT of options out there, but lets make this quick and simple , shall we? [Continue Reading]

Fried bologna reminds me of my Grandma Duncan's kitchen. My Grandpa would be working in the garden while my Grandma made breakfast or lunch. Many times, she served a fried bologna sandwich with Miracle Whip and fresh lettuce and tomato from the garden. Now, the grease popping from the pan of fried bologna... ouch. What a mess! Well, tonight, I came up with this simple set it and forget it Air Fryer Hack. It's perfect for those cravings for the southern fried bologna sandwich like Grandma used to make... [Continue Reading]

Shiny Object Syndrome. We see it every day. Everyone online seems to be discussing the latest trends to enhance our lives and business. It comes in the form of books, podcasts, blog posts and social media challenges. They know what's best and they are all willing to share their secrets – all we need to do is buy into the hype and follow the path that has been set before us. After all, it has worked for these people, so it must be legit, right... [Continue Reading]

Two things about me 1) I'm a big fan of Kenny Chesney 2) I'm an online stylist and really enjoy helping others make a statement with their clothes. My collection of outfit boards inspired the Enamel Pin Style Guide. Enamel Pins by Bloomfield Avenue were designed to add personality, flair and fun to your wardrobe and are versatile enough to be worn with any outfit. Whether you're working as a fashion blogger or attending a Kenny Chesney concert, these little accessories complete your look... [Continue Reading]

Ah, Summer Camp.... long sunny days spent hanging out with friends and playing pranks on counselors; summer nights filled with fire-side meetings and motivational talks; fond memories that slowly fade as fall and winter move in and life takes center stage. As adults, we're rarely reminded of the excitement that comes with... [Continue Reading]

My name is Kim. I'm a graphic designer and problem-solver who is dedicated to finding ways to improve efficiency. Through managing multiple projects – either by working on them or adding them to an ever-growing bucket list – I've developed a passion for discovering a better way by building systems and simplifying processes... [Continue Reading]