selling digital products is a breeze with payhip

Please Note: Some of the links that I will share with you are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Please know that we have personal experience with each of these products. I am recommending them to you because they have truly made a difference in our lives, not for the sake of making the commission. I simply want to share these life-enhancing products with anyone who might find them helpful.

Everyone has something that they can share with others. Whether it's expert tips, great advice, travel recommendations, family recipes, secret marketing techniques, spreadsheets, organizational tools that spark joy, tips for keeping kids entertained, social media graphic templates, stock photo resources, DIY videos, a fictional story, an inspirational ebook... the list goes on. If people are constantly asking you how to do, craft, make, setup something, you should be able to make some money from that knowledge. Your assistance is valuable.

If you have ever thought about compiling some of those resources and offering them online, now is the time and PayHip is the perfect space for you to do just that.

If you would like to learn more about setting up your PayHip account, schedule a training session with me. I will personally walk you through the step-by-step process and help you get your first digital product online. Don't know what to offer? I will brainstorm some ideas with you until we find some options you are happy with. There should be no reason why you can't get started and potentially have a file ready for upload within 24 hours. Plus, if you need help with the layout of your digital product, social media graphics or promotional copy, I can help with those or teach you how to make them as well.

Just think, you could be making residual income tomorrow! Head over to PayHip through my referral link and you'll get these awesome benefits:

  • Only 5% Per Transaction in Costs - You get to keep 95% of the profits. This is an awesome payout!

  • No setup fees

  • No monthly fees

  • No hosting fees

  • Get paid immediately (instead of monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly)

  • PayPal and credit cards are accepted

  • Accept subscriptions and recurring payments (sell monthly, annual or weekly downloads)

  • Sell ALL file formats

  • Watermark your PDF files with the buyers email to help prevent piracy

  • Set your own prices and pricing tiers

  • Offer custom coupon codes (even rewards, like giving discounts for someone sharing your product to their friends)

  • Easily offer custom affiliate links to people who want to promote your digital product

Don't wait any longer. Start making that residual income you've always dreamed of with PayHip

Need Help? Schedule an affordable One-on-One Training Session with me and I'll walk you through the entire process, one step at a time.

Enjoy my rambling?

Follow me on Instagram @heyitskimpaul for more frequent posts and random thoughts that cross my mind. "Keeping a Blog Updated" is one of the great pieces of advice that I've found distract me from more important work, like sharing funny memes. When I do actually create a blog post like this one, I'll be sure to let you know on IG :)